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Body Building Made Easy – How To Make It Easy?

How To Lose Weight Fast & Build A Great Body

The best fat burner for belly fat is selected with the skills and intelligence of the people. There are various videos available to have desired results on the health. The choosing of the correct exercise system is possible with the boosters to get a reduction on belly fat.

To find your own Adonis Index, measure your waist at your belly button while standing in straight posture, arms down and relaxed (no sucking in of your belly allowed!) and the circumference of your shoulders at the widest position, which will be about halfway between your nipples and the collar bone.

This measurement needs to be taken while you stand straight upright.

Divide your shoulder circumference (measured all the way round at the widest part) by your waist measurement (measured all the way round, as you would normally do) to get the ratio, which is your Adonis Index or AI for short.

The closer this ratio gets to 1.62, the nearer you are to perfect male body proportions.

Research shows that women are most attracted to men with a “V” taper together with shoulder and waist measurements close to The Adonis Golden Ratio. [Swami 2007, Dixon 2003]

Now you might think this sounds easy, and all you have to do is either lose weight around the waist or build up shoulder muscle to get to the perfect AI. But there’s a bit more to it than that….

Perfect Male Body Shape – The Adonis In You!

You must remember that the perfect form depends on having an ideal waist size. And what this means is that your waist must be proportional to your height: your ideal waist circumference is 0.45 times your height.

Benefits Of The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio is ideal for several reasons.

From a health point of view a waist measurement that is less than 50% of your height is desirable. From an esthetics point of view, you want a lean taper to a masculine, but not feminine, waist.

Research shows tat a woman’s most attractive waist circumference is 0.38 to 0.40 times her height, so if man’s waist falls below (0.45 x his height), he starts to look like a girl!

Nothing else will work. Having a big waist and even bulkier shoulders doesn’t work, and having a thin waist with small shoulders is ineffective.

Women report that the look of a man’s body is unattractive, no matter how big his shoulders may be, if they’re connected to a fat waist.

You can see that here.

Success with Adonis could easily be yours….

And everybody knows that women don’t like skinny guys – so you can’t improve on the ideal Adonis Index ratio – in either way, bigger or smaller.

Here are some figures in a worked example:

We can calculate what the perfect AI is for a six foot man:

  • Height = 72 inches (in).
  • Ideal Waist = 44.7% of height = 32.18 in.
  • Ideal Shoulder Measurement = 1.618 x 32.18 (waist) = 52.07 in.
  • And of course taller and shorter men have the same ratio.

So you can forget body building, forget about 22-inch arms and forget about weighing 275 or whatever pounds. The Golden Ratio should be the target for all men of whatever height!

Now we can hear from a guy who learned how to pick up the girls using the…..

The Adonis Workout

He is Rich Sigona. Here’s his experience. Rich says that he particularly likes the Adonis Golden Ratio workout as it is structured to give you the maximum benefit without excessive effort.

It’s an example of how more can be achieved with less, but only if you know what you are doing and where you are going.

But here’s the thing – as you make progress, you become more self-sufficient and more of an alpha male. In fact, people now come to Rich for advice, and look to him for leadership.

Also if you want to hang out with good looking girls, you need to look good too. Women approach Rich because they like what they see.

Girls know what it takes to get in shape and if you don’t make any effort then you will end up with nobody.

Before he got his present girlfriend, he knew he had to do something or else no relationship would be possible.

Now his girlfriend says she likes being with him because she senses his natural confidence and he makes her feel safe.

And he has all this because he got his body in shape using the Adonis Golden Ratio. He noticed that his confidence level rose as he improved his fitness – which proved pleasing to both males and females. And, he adds, you don’t have to spend every hour in the gym:

“I thought I would need to spend most of my day at the gym but often more can be achieved with less, when you are focussed. The Adonis Index workout simplified my life and made it a lot easier. The Adonis Index is the best, but be prepared for the compliments you are going to receive every day when you get in shape.”

Sidebar- illustration of most attractive body shapes and sizes in women.

The Adonis Golden Ratio and Human Variation

We should now take a look at variation of human size. When the amount of fat we all carry is taken away, there is very little variation in human size.

Many people think there is a great disparity, but in fact the only body section that has potential for substantial variation is fat mass.

Indeed there appears to be no upper limit to the quantity of fat the body can store (as can be seen in those unlucky people who have become morbidly obese with body weight in excess of 500 pounds). Certainly the Adonis Golden Ratio would prevent such obesity developing. (Home page.)

Conversely there is no documentation of any man ever gaining unlimited amounts of muscle. Even for those taking large amounts of steroids, there is a predictable upper limit of muscle that a man can build.

This ceiling of muscle mass becomes more predictable when you remove steroids intake.

Google search result for men on steroids shown below!

Research has shown that a man’s lean mass is very predictable given his height. Science tells us that total body mass, fat-free mass, fat mass, and bone mineral have a positive correlation with height [Heymsfield, 2011].

Also muscle mass can be linearly scaled with height [Janssen, 2000].

In simple terms, the taller you are, the more muscle mass you should have.

There is a rule which applies to all men of all ages and races which states that the only body section that has the potential for substantial variation is fat mass.

This equation can be used with the AI measurements to tell you the approximate amount of lean body mass you need to attain your AI goal.

In addition, it gives you a fairly accurate overall body weight since most men reach their golden waist ratio at about 8-10% body fat.

Body Building Made Easy

To sum it up!

The Adonis Golden Ratio is a program which will, if you follow it carefully, with commitment, give you an ideal body and the key to success in life!

It can be summarized in the following points:

Bigger is not better. There is an optimum size which you should go for, which is the most favorable amount of muscle you can build without steroids. You do not have to be the biggest guy around to achieve your aims. In fact women have a prejudice against men who are too big.

You need The Golden Ratio, which can be achieved without steroids or drugs or any damaging material. You can’t look like a bodybuilder in a fitness magazine without taking drugs. Also this kind of physique is unnatural, unhealthy and unappealing to women. This is a false look which many people try to achieve but with calamitous results. Don’t be fooled by drugs.

Don’t believe that steroids work. They don’t! High doses of stimulants make you feel bad and look stupid. People who want large muscle mass just feel insecure. Your body is your great asset. It is not separate from you: it is you. You can only be successful in life if your body is built for success. Your health is dependant on the body’s condition. The better the body, the more you will succeed.

Remember The Golden Ratio is not only a measure of your outward appearance but an indicator of the state of your health (and appearance – you can look like an Adonis if you really want…) Looking after your body is not mere vanity. The well being of the body is vital for a fulfilling life. You need to keep the body in good shape to achieve your goals. If you fail to maintain the body, it will let you down and you will be worse for it.

Do not believe that some people have genetically shaped bodies which can’t be altered or improved. With the correct workout, you can get your body fully fit whatever your shape.

If you are tall, short, skinny or heavy, The Adonis Golden Ratio will give you perfect proportions. One of the benefits of perfect proportions is the “Adonis Effect”, by which your physical presence has a powerful subconscious effect on all other people around you, what you might call the ultimate first impression. Remember it is in your power to control your body proportions and harness the effect to good advantage.

Remember people start to judge you from the first minute they see you. People can change their opinions over time but if you start with a clear positive impact, you have a flying start. Body building can help this. Weight loss can help even more. A lean musculature can help as well!

Don’t be fooled into thinking that people see the qualities in others regardless of their shape and size. Human beings are genetically predisposed to seek out and be attracted to those who show the highest level of genetic fitness. For a man this denotes a fit decidedly muscular, lean, vigorous and healthy looking body as measured by The Golden Ratio. Don’t be fooled into thinking that people see the qualities in others regardless of their shape and size. Human beings are genetically predisposed to seek out and be attracted to those who show the highest level of genetic fitness.

The nearer you are to the perfect shape, the more you exude genetic fitness and the stronger will be the reaction people have towards you. You can’t control predetermined nature but you can use it to your advantage. Just consider that studies show that fertile women are attracted to this look. So much so that they are more likely to cheat on their present lover with a man that has the ideal ratio, particularly when her current lover is in poor shape.