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How Good is CBD to Treat Stress and Anxiety?

The full form of CBD is Cannabidiol, and it is one of the several other chemical compounds found in cannabis, or marijuana plant – Cannabis sativa. Many people seem to confuse CBD with weed, and we would like to attest to the fact that CBD is nothing like that, in that it does not have a psychotic effect on users and is meant to treat pain and inflammation. 

CBD has been used and I tried CBD for anxiety in several circumstances to reduce chronic pain and stress, the process of which has been explained below. 

How this works in our body?

In our bodies, there is a system called the endocannabinoid system, also known as ECS. The functions of the ECS comprises controlling sleep, immune system response, appetite, pain and so on. Now, the body naturally produces endocannabinoids with the help of the ECS – which are neurotransmitters that react with the cannabinoid receptors. Now, the chemical compound named CBD does impact the cannabinoid receptors in your body, significantly altering how much pain you feel by helping to reduce inflammation, swelling, and other problems. 

Another prime feature for which the CBD is much popular today is its effect in alleviating stress and anxiety in patients who suffer from chronic stress and anxiety. CBD has been known to affect the serotonin receptors in the brain, which is a hormone that controls our moods and behaviours. 

In this way, CBD significantly alters our behavioural patterns and stabilises mood swings, and thus helps us stay calmer and more reserved. Many people who suffer from anxiety are medically prescribed safe dosages of CBD, which helps them reduce their social anxiety and live a healthier social life devoid of stress. Many users, who have tried CBD for anxiety, have shown startling results of a much more calm temperament, which suggests that CBD indeed helps in reducing one’s stress and anxiety levels. 

Other benefits of CBD

Besides reducing pain and stress, CBD has other important functions as well. It helps schizophrenic patients curb their psychotic symptoms by helping them stay calm in the face of anxiety and terror. It is also administered to drug abusers because CBD affects the brain circuits, which control dependence, hence lowering the addict’s dependence on the drug. Moreover, it has powerful antioxidant properties and can help reduce heart problems, as well as go with cancer therapy (it reduces inflammations and tumours in the brain, prostate, breast, lungs, etc.). It is also useful in treating diabetes, and this is proved by a study conducted on diabetic mice, wherein the diabetes was curbed almost 50% through the use of CBD oil.

In conclusion, the benefits of CBD oil are many – from reducing pain and stress to having a therapeutic effect on patients who have cancer, diabetes, and even schizophrenia. Cannabinoids are useful in battling many serious health problems in our bodies. However, it should always be prescribed medically and should not be abused. Moreover, it is important to check on your physician before administering oneself with CBD because it may have side effects on some people. 

Self Help For Anxiety Natural Ways To Beat Anxiety

Anxiety attacks usually come on without warning and they also tend to strike at the worst time possible. These attacks are very incapacitating as they will interfere with just about every aspect of your life, making your daily routine extremely difficult to cope with.

If you are struggling to get a sound sleep at night, then you can use CBD vape pen to get effective results. The coping with the sleep problems will become easy with the product. The use of the pen is beneficial under expert assistance to get the desired results on health.

As a sufferer of anxiety you will have come to recognize the symptoms of an attack which will be different for each individual person but may include a faster heart rate, feeling dizzy, being short of breath, perspiring excessively etc. Many of us will turn to medication to help us deal with these symptoms, perhaps that “as needed” tranquillizer or other prescribed drug aimed at “calming down” the symptoms. However it is possible to deal with our anxiety using more natural methods, some of which are listed below.

•Exercise – get regular daily exercise whenever possible, a proven way to keep anxiety at bay, if you feel an anxiety attack coming on try taking a brisk walk or if the weather is bad outside spend 15 minutes on an exercise machine, you will be pleasantly surprised how this will take your mind off your anxiety.

•Sleep – make sure you get adequate sleep at night time, but try to avoid sleeping during the day as this will make it difficult to sleep well at night.

•Eat well – take a look at your diet, perhaps add some more nutritious foods and cut out too much sugar, fat and processed foods. Watch your caffeine intake, if you drink a lot of coffee this could be contributing to your anxiety, cut down and replace with plenty of water, juices etc.

•Relaxation – daily relaxation techniques can go a long way in preventing the symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack, deep breathing exercises are an excellent way to relax, perhaps whilst listening to some soothing and calming music.

•A special person to turn to – someone who understands what you are going through, perhaps they too are suffering or have suffered with anxiety in the past, this could be a family member or a close friend.

•Group therapy – ask your doctor for information on group therapy in your area, it can be a great help to know there are other people going through the very same issues you are and hearing their stories and how they deal with their anxiety on a daily basis can be very encouraging.

If you practice the above daily you will find some relief from your anxiety and or panic symptoms, it will not be easy and will take time to make an impact on your life but it will be worth it long term.

If your anxiety or panic symptoms are extreme and increasingly frightening then do seek help from your doctor who will be able to help you or refer you to a specialist, someone trained in the mental health field who will recognize what you are going through and will know the best treatment options for your individual circumstances.