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Girl Attitude- Fatal Sign Of Deterioration In Relations

There are many things that work in a relationship just as there are many things that can break it in a jiffy but it is the former that is more important and whichever things are important are not easy to achieve.

There have been many definitions about a relationship and it has been given terms like ‘life’ ‘piece of glass’ ‘clear as water’ and so many others but when it comes to applying the logistics in real life, human beings are not quite on par in dealing with these issues.

It is easy to give lectures to others about how to maintain a relationship but what matters is how seriously you yourself adhere to these norms in your own life and whether your own relations with your significant other is ok or not.

Handle with Care

When it comes to dealing with girls, it is met with apprehension and skepticism as to what their response would be whenever they are approached by boys while the gals on the other hand are more interested in toying with the guys’ affections or test his loyalty towards her in extreme circumstances.

Normally boys fall for girls that are beautiful from the outside and belong to the typical page 3 society that are of high class and repute that don’t think twice before meddling in affairs that are of no business to them.

The girls that are good looking from the outside are typically the ones that are the spoilt brats in their families, constantly being pampered and adored as their parents have catered to their every whim, due to which they have taken it into their heads that they are royalty.

So keeping these things in mind, guys have to tread carefully at each step and handle the girls with care but that does not mean that you can turn a blind eye at their faults and dance to their tunes like a puppet.

While there is no denying the fact that boys treat their girlfriends as princesses, the recent ‘me too’ movement has opened their eyes and made them more aware of their surroundings so now they are extra careful before approaching a girl by making the first move.

New Theory

The current times are such that both sides have flaws and simply refuse to accept it while constantly blaming each other for some mishap or wrongdoing and matters are made worse by the fact that both sides have sycophants galore that are constantly poisoning their ears for their own selfish agendas.

We are in 2020 and relationships are at a toss where boys and girls have great demands from each other but they are more of a physical nature with little scope for morality.

What is astonishing is that today’s girls are quite brazen about their need for sexual pleasure than men and they choose their man based on how strong he is in bed and that is the basis of her selecting the man.

But this is not to say that all girls of high attitude and arrogance have the same mindset as some of them are hard on the exterior but quite soft from the inside and it just requires an intelligent person to understand his girl and bring her back on track.

This new theory is being practiced by boys and most of them have achieved great success in mitigating the girls’ arrogance by being patient, understanding and a soft but firm hand on their attitude.

Popular Quotes

As mentioned above, it requires patience with a touch of firmness to bring your girl out of her world of illusion and one way to do it is to make her read popular quotes. Also you can empathize with her rough and disgusting attitude.

Keep teasing her for her arrogance in front of her friends than in solitude which will make her feel embarrassed and rethink the decisions she has made without having a humiliating tone to it.

High attitude quotes for girls can be found online as they usually abound for the sake of keeping the relationship quotient between couples intact for a longer period and both sides have the internet to thank for in keeping their heart and minds firmly etched on their significant others.