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Why Interval Sprints Are The Best Fat Burning Exercise

If you’re in the process of putting together a weight loss workout program, one of the best fat burning exercise options that you should make sure you consider is interval sprints. Interval sprints are a more advanced form of cardio so not something that a complete beginner could do, but as you progress in fitness levels, they definitely can be incorporated more frequently in order to bring you closer to your goal. You can take some intervals while taking the best fat burners from the reputed site. The attainment of the goals is possible to get a healthy and fit body. The meeting of needs is possible with burning of the excessive fat from the body. The fitness level is high for the people.

It’s important to have a good base level of conditioning before trying this best fat burning exercise, so aim to be able to perform at least 30 minutes straight of regular training first before moving on to this routine.

Let’s take a look at why interval training sprints are the best fat burning exercise to perform.

Short Time Duration

The very first reason why interval sprints are one of the best fat burning exercise options are because they are short in time duration. If you’re pushing hard, you can easily complete the session in as little as 15 to 20 minutes total.

For anyone with a busy schedule, this makes it an ideal solution to get in shape quickly and burn fat at the same time.

Most people simply don’t have time for hour long cardio sessions five days a week, so interval sprints help solve this problem.

Improved Anaerobic Capacity

The second important benefit that makes interval sprints the best fat burning exercise is the fact that they will really improve your anaerobic capacity as well. Since you are pushing the body to the max and forcing the body to use as much oxygen as possible to keep up with the intense pace, you’re going to increase your ability to do this.

That means you’ll be less quick to tire out in other exercises you may be performing. This is commonly referred to as increasing your VO2 max, which is an important measure of your physical fitness ability.

Enhanced Fat Oxidation

The next nice benefit that interval sprints will provide is that they will enhance the rate at which your body can use fat as a fuel source.

While you can’t use fat as a fuel source during the actual interval itself as the muscles will be relying on the creatine-phosphate energy system, after the sprints are finished you’ll be more primed to using fat as a fuel source during the rest of the day.

This comes in very helpful from a long-term fat burning perspective, so not something that you can overlook.

Greater Leg Power

Finally, the last great reason that makes interval sprints the best fat burning exercise to perform is that they’ll help to boost your leg power as well. Having to go from zero to max out speed as you do in interval sprints helps you develop very good for generation abilities, thus increasing your performance in many other activities you perform.

This also will help to increase the lower body muscle mass, allowing you to maintain a higher metabolic rate at rest.

So all in all, interval training is simple the best fat burning exercise to perform as far as your cardio workout routine is concerned. If you haven’t started including this yet in your workout program, now is the time to consider doing so.