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Aqua Teen Hunger Force: A Review

Let me now progress to saying that if I pitched this idea to you, you would tell me I was an absolute lunatic for even thinking this up: okay, so get this, a six-foot-tall milkshake, a flying box of fries with braces, and a childish, possibly mentally-impaired (legitimately – they do allude to Meatwad being slightly less than mentally capable) meatball do nothing all day except mess with their fat, hairy, balding neighbor named Carl who works from the home and doesn’t care about anything except for women.

That’s it? Yep.

That is pretty much the premise of ATHF. They did start out as detectives, but they quit doing that after the first two or three episodes pretty much.

Anyway, as stupid as it sounds (and I know how stupid it sounds. Trust me. It is stupid.), it’s hilarious. At least, it’s hilarious in my eyes. Master Shake, or as he is more commonly known Shake, is played by Dana Snyder, who might be the only voice actor who doesn’t do a handful of voices on the show, and this six-foot-tall, walking, talking milkshake is the king of the Aqua Teen universe. At least, he thinks he is. Mostly, he’s just comedic in his absolute failure at everything he does. The only thing he’s king of is Meatwad, the little meatball who generally acts like a child, which is all the funnier when he mouths off at Frylock, the only sane, responsible cast member of the show. At least, until he snaps and just stops caring about anything. And then there’s Carl, Carl the magnificent, Carl the beautiful. Everything about Carl is the opposite of perfection, and that is why he is just so unlovable.

There are three rules in the Aqua Teen universe (physics need not apply in New Jersey): something awful must happen to Carl, Carl’s car, Carl’s pool, or Carl’s house; everything that gets dropped or, as is more likely, thrown must blow up upon contact of the ground or floor; and continuity must not exist – ever. All of these things must happen in every single episode.

Look, I’m not saying Aqua Teen Hunger Force is for everyone – it’s not. But if you don’t mind pure idiocy, then you might get a few chuckles out of Aqua Teen, or if you’re like me, you might die laughing every time you watch it.

The best part? Carl’s accent. The way Carl talks is hilarious to me, because he is almost always angry, hammered, or yelling about the New York Giants (or women or the band Boston or Styx or well, everything), possibly all three at the same time.

Go check it out. Go enjoy. But be warned. They do not discriminate. Anything and everything that can be offended will be.