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A Basic Introduction To Guided Meditation

Most people are finding the stress of living, increasing significantly with every year that passes. Among the worries is politics, war, terrorism, the economy, money, the environment and jobs, among other things. There are various coping mechanisms that individuals use to deal with this stress, but many of them, like alcohol and other drug abuse are not in their best interest. However, there is a growing percentage of people who are choosing guided meditation, instead. And there are also a group who look for CBD oil for anxiety.

Meditation is thousands of years old and has played a part in all the great living religions, but it does not have to be a religious act. It is a way of quieting the mind and allowing the various parts of the brain to synchronize with each other, instead of being scattered. It also gives the mind a break from either, the internal dialogue we constantly have with ourselves, or outside stimuli.

In traditional meditation, you let go off all thoughts and concentrate on one thing. It may be a mantra, (a special sound, word or phrase), or a koan, (a kind of riddle without an answer, like, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” Or, it could simply be your breathing that is the subject of your focus.

Do not be surprised by the number of stray thoughts that come up. Just accept that it happens, let them go and refocus each time. You might become amazed how often this happens and how undisciplined your mind is. Most people who don’t have a teacher just give up in frustration, rather than working through it.

Guided meditation is what is needed in these instances to prevent people from giving up. Yes, it can be live guidance, for instance from a teacher in a class, but more often it is from a recorded audio track which starts out with exact, step by step instructions which will help the individual to transition to a meditative state of being. This means that alpha brain waves are primarily being produced. Those are the same brain patterns you produce when starting to fall asleep.

A guided meditation can also paint a picture for the listener, of a series of goals they desire to achieve. It is usually done in the manner of putting the person in their own minds eye, having them see themselves doing the actions they want to do, and fulfilling the goals they they hope to accomplish, including feeling the emotions that come with it.

Guided meditation shares a lot with hypnosis and hypnotic induction, because an altered state of consciousness is achieved, and instructions or outside help is given. Many successful people give much of the credit for their success to this type of activity. It is not classic meditation, because it relies on outside stimuli, but it is a form of meditation and can help a person to go on to achieve classic meditation if they choose to.


In this world full of rush and hectic life people need to stop and relax for a while. In old times people used to stay relaxed without any external need but now people need some external factor to help them in their relaxation because the external factors are so harsh that it has not remained easy.