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Running And Fat Loss – How To Reduce The Loss!!

Is running the best solution for fat loss? This would be an interesting question amongst health professionals and personal trainers. A few might agree, but most would say that diet is the most important controlling factor for ones body fat percentage. But few would argue that running and fat loss are perfect partners.

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Running and fat loss tactics

There will be those that debate about whether interval training is better than marathon running.

Sprinters tend to be muscle bound and have a low body fat percentage… Marathon runners certainly have a low body fat percentage…

Which is the best? Which is statistically the most beneficial for you?

For the majority of people, it does not matter, most people are doing very little exercise at all. Any regular exercise is a fantastic step on the road towards health, vitality and wellness.

From a practical point of view, running for fat loss is great. Because all you have to do is slip on a pair of running shoes, get off your ass… And… Go outside and run!

This is why running is a great idea compared to other sports or activities

This is the unbeatable reason why running for fat loss is such a great idea. The simplicity, the low cost, and of course all of the other benefits.

Is diet more important to fat loss than running?


But it doesn’t need to be an either/or question, you can do both.

So many people procrastinate, research and look for the “best” fat loss option, then take no action at all. What is important is that you take positive action related to diet AND exercise, and what better way to exercise than to put on your running shoes and then go out for a run?

Running has been the number one exercise for millions of years!

Every related survey and study that comes out points to the benefits of walking, and running. It is what we have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years! Perhaps millions of years.

There is nothing in the World that is more natural, more “tried and tested” than running!

When you run, it seems as if you are breaking free from the chains of society, of traffic jams and queues

When you run, you are experiencing the same thirst for freedom that our ancestors might have experienced while running away from a dangerous animal.

When you run, you can experience exhilaration. Perhaps in a similar way to the rush of the charge into battle

Running is ingrained into our DNA. Our bodies are “designed” for it.

Running is great for all ages and all fitness levels. You can start by simply walking fast if you like. You can alternate between running, and walking to recover.

The fitness curve rewards a runner. It is easy to go from 1000 meters to 1500, then 1500 to 2000 over time. You can increase your speed and/or distance week after week which is very satisfying. The more you practice the better you get, the farther you can go, the faster you can go, and the more health and fat loss benefits you receive.