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Tips to Protect Your Dog While Hunting

Hunters around the world have been known to use dogs while hunting things like rabbits, birds, raccoons, and even bears. These dogs are the companions and best friends of their owners. Any hunter that uses a dog to hunt needs to know some basic safety tips to keep their dog safe in the field. Below are some common risks that hunting dogs face and some tips to protect your dog from them.

Hunter orange safety vest:

In the field, there are many things that pose a danger to your dog. The most obvious risk to the dog is being shot by a hunter. What you may not consider is the risk of cuts and puncture wounds. While hunting your dog can easily injure itself on the sharp thorns and sticks from bushes and trees. It can also hurt itself on barbed wire fences. While a hunter orange safety vest is most commonly used to make your dog visible to you and other hunters as it tracks and retrieves the game, it can also help protect your dog from cuts and puncture wounds


Hunters are known to hunt in extreme weather conditions, be it extremely hot or cold. When it comes to hot weather hunting dogs can get into trouble. It’s important that you call your dog in and cool them off regularly, while providing them with snacks and plenty of water. You can also wet your dog down with cool water to help lower their temperature. If you think your dog may have overdone it, they probably have, and you should bring them in from the field and end the day’s activity.

Getting lost:

Hunting dogs are known to track an animal for hours. Sometimes, it can hard for the hunter to call a dog off its pray. Even if your dog is the most well-behaved and well trained dog in the field, it’s still possible to lose him/her. Thanks to the advances in technology you can now outfit your dog with its very own GPS (global positioning system). Buying and outfitting your dog with a tracking collar will allow you to track him/her if they wander off while hunting.

This is the perfect way to track your cur in case it gets lost and we all know how hard it would be to find it but the tracking collar would make things easier but a tree stand would be a good option as far as storage of essentials is concerned so I am looking up climber treestand reviews to find the best one out.

Even if you are following all the safety precautions, there is a chance that your dog could become exhausted, injured, and/or lost. You should prepare yourself for the worst case scenario, by making sure you have a dog first-aid kit, water, food, and know where the nearest veterinary clinic is located. Also, if you aren’t able to outfit your dog with a tracking collar, make sure that they are wearing some sort of identifying tag, and make sure you know the phone number and location of the local animal shelter, so you can contact them should your dog become lost.