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Hummingbird Feeder- Make your Bird Pets Feel Royal

It is important to have basic general knowledge about many things happening around the world as only then can you hope to survive because if you aren’t aware of anything, how can you know about the many negative things going on in your own area?

When talking about general knowledge, it does not necessarily mean politics and entertainment but many other things as this is a huge subject that has to be studied and analyzed right from the basic roots.

Regarding knowledge, one doesn’t know how and where to begin as there are so many things to know about that include many topics that most individuals don’t even know that exist but in this case, we shall limit the discussion to a unique bird and a device pertaining to it.

Watch the Birdie

While most people might be aware of species like sparrows, eagles, parrots, crows, ducks, etc. very few know about the hummingbird as it is not mentioned very much in discussions except some vague references here and there.

This might sound odd but if you ask an average person to tell you all that he knows about the hummingbird, he won’t go beyond a few lines like it is the smallest bird in existence in terms of size and can fly backwards without any kind of issues.

But we are going to delve deeper into the lives of hummingbirds because it is important that other people should know more about this unique bird species otherwise they are depriving themselves of the opportunity of a lifetime.

Like human beings, hummingbirds also need the three basic necessities like food, water and oxygen to survive and they can’t eat it what we do as they can only stomach seeds and other bird treats.

They can consume things through the [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]hummingbird feeder, which is a device that can store seeds and water for them to eat and drink as this is basically a container type device designed especially for them.

Best Models

Let us take a look at some of the best hummingbird feeders that have come out in 2020 until now so that it would give an idea for certain people on where to look:

  1. First Nature 3055- It is important to put the stamp of the best feeder on a particular brand or model as they are all unique in their own way but this one usually tops the list as its red color attracts the hummingbirds, who are fond of anything red, they are lightweight and durable in nature.
  2. HummZinger HighView- It is the runner-up in the list as it is considered the second best due to its easy to manage policy and lightweight structure that can be hanged anywhere around the house or garden so that the birds can fly down for a good meal of nectar
  3. Shiny Art- It is made up of plastic and therefore vulnerable to breaking down more quickly but the design is nothing short of brilliant as the beautiful painting is made from glass with multicolored hues that attract the hummingbird immediately
  4. Juegoal Hanging- It has a detachable cover at its surface with numerous ports through which the food can be inserted which requires cleaning at regular intervals

To conclude, these are some of the best hummingbird feeders to have come out this year that deserve a mention but you can definitely lookup for many other brands online that have been left out.

Hummingbirds are the gifts of nature along with many other domestic animals that make a garden or national park look so beautiful and enthralling that even a person who is averse to such things gets hooked.

Bass Guitar: Basic Playing Styles

Basic Techniques


The first technique anyone should learn when playing the bass guitar is the Fingerstyle technique. Beginners may choose to favor a pick (plectrum) over the use of Fingerstyle at first, but it is essential to learn the Fingerstyle technique as it is the basis for a majority of music played on the bass guitar. The Fingerstyle technique uses the Index and Middle fingers in an alternating “walking” motion to sound notes, your thumb acts as a support for your fingers by resting on either a pick-up or another string. It is best practiced with varying rhythms and over different kinds of scales or if you are completely new to bass guitar then it is best practiced on a pattern that utilizes different notes on different strings. Moreover, all these tips are also going to going to help you prevent guitar amp feedback that will give you better sound quality.

Slap and Pop

Another different style of playing is slapping and popping. It is best to learn this technique after learning Fingerstyle although the two differ from each other in many ways. Slapping and Popping are mainly used in Funk or Sub-genre’s of Funk, however, it can be utilized in almost any genre you wish. The Slapping and Popping technique uses the Thumb to slap the string using the rotational motion from the wrist and either your Index or Middle finger to pop the strings. When Slapping with the thumb it is best to aim for the middle of your thumb as the contact point, practicing will help you to find the exact spot, after contacting with the string you let your thumb “bounce” back, as this stops the sound is muted by your thumb. Popping is done by pulling up on the string/s with your index or middle finger, then letting it go and make a percussive “snap” noise against the neck of the guitar. Practice the Slapping and Popping style by alternating between Slaps and Pops in different rhythms and over different strings, to build up the fundamental skills.

Plectrum (Pick)

The last of the basic Styles I will cover is the Plectrum. Whilst not as flexible as the fingerstyle or slapping and popping technique, using a plectrum on bass guitar has its place in various genres of music such as metal. The plectrum will produce a tone with more attack than the fingerstyle, but less than slapping and popping, It will also sound more metallic. The plectrum is held between the thumb and index finger and used to pluck the strings either in an upwards motion or a downwards motion. When plucking it is best to get the momentum from within your wrist, opposed to moving your arm, as large movements, later on, will restrict your capability to play faster, so it is best not to develop bad habits. Practicing with the plectrum is similar to practicing with slapping and popping and fingerstyle techniques. It is best practiced over a variety of rhythms, scales, and patterns that utilize all the strings.

Avoiding Rip Currents In The Ocean This Summer

Florida has some of the best beaches in the world. Tourists come to Florida for the Disney World experience, but what makes Florida most famous are its world class beaches, with various types of powdery sand, water, eco-structures and natural beauty.
Different areas of Florida have different types of surf. For instance, New Smyrna Beach is the surf capitol of the world, and many surfers go there and to Daytona Beach as well to experience some serious waves. But to the in-experienced swimmer, the ocean can change unfavorably in the blink of an eye.

On June 17th in Daytona Beach, there were almost three hundred rescues from lifeguards on duty in regard to rip currents, most people unaware of the danger the ocean possesses, due to weather changes that pick up winds that affect the surf. When the winds are fierce, the ocean can get quite dangerous, making any current beach condition while rip currents are present chancy at best.

Beneath the surf there are open pockets that water runs through with such a force that it can easily carry swimmers out to sea. What causes swimmers to panic is when they lose footing, due to a shift in position. One minute swimmers feel the ocean floor beneath them, the next minute they don’t, and become disorientated. Many try to swim back to shore, but the water can drag them further out, or the waves become more intense, and one can easily get caught in the tide.

Rip currents are always possible, especially when there is a tropical storm brewing, or a shift in climate change. The summer months are when people are more susceptible, due to the hurricane season approaching with shifts in atmosphere and storms coming in from the tropics.

Rip currents in the ocean are responsible for most beach drowning deaths, for aside from the currents taking one further out to sea, getting caught in a rip current can cause panic, which makes people susceptible to drowning, especially if they begin to swallow water.

To avoid this danger while swimming, simply remain aware of what is going on. Is it windy, did the surf get rougher? Do you feel the sand shifting beneath you? If so, swim through the tide diagonally, not against it, for you will get closer to the shoreline because you are breaking through against the pull of the rip current, and will be pushed to shore by each incoming wave. Try to remain calm, and always swim near a lifeguard, or around other people that you can signal for help, preferably people that you know are watching out for you. A few simple precautions can help keep your fun vacation from turning into a tragedy.

“Green” Wedding Favors

A wedding is a great time to share your joy of helping the environment with your guests. There are many different kinds of “green” wedding favor ideas that will be a delightful gift and also work to help the environment too.
Tree Seedlings

Tree seedlings may be purchased at You may put them in a wrapping of white lace or tulle to make a pretty presentation of the tree seedling.

Basket of Flower Bulbs

A white basket full of flower bulbs for tulips, lilies, or daffodils is a lovely green wedding favor. Most people love to see colorful flowers in bloom. This wedding favor will provide much joy to guests as they enjoy planting the bulbs and then watching the flowers grow and bloom.

Victory Garden Basket

Provide a basket with seeds or plants for a victory garden to help guests grow their own summer vegetables. Small tomato plants and basil plants or seeds are popular ideas, as are seeds for pumpkins, radishes, peppers, and cucumbers.

Bulbs for Day Lilies

A day lily garden is a colorful and exotic sight. Give your guest day lily bulbs to give them the joy of watching the lilies produce abundant blooms. Day lilies are a spectacular flower that will delight most guests.

Rose Bush

Wrap a rose bush package in white or pink fabric and tie it with a ribbon in a contrasting color. Roses are a delightful gift. Most guests will adore a rose bush and think of the bride and groom every time they see the roses in bloom.

Basket of Hummingbird Related Items

The hummingbird is a beautiful guest in any garden. Encourage guests to attract the hummingbird to their gardens with a wedding favor basket full of seedlings for red bee balm flowers that hummingbirds love, a hummingbird feeder, and seeds for other red flowers that will attract this lovely bird.

Bottles of Flower Seeds

For a fall or winter wedding you may want to create bottles full of seeds from flowers from your summer garden. This lovely gift will help guests plant a wonderful garden the next summer.

Packages of Sunflower Seeds

Tie together several different kinds of packages of sunflower seeds with a bright yellow ribbon for a fun green wedding favor. Sunflowers help feed the birds and bees. They are also a beautiful and cheerful flower.

Guests will be delighted with the chance to grow their own sunflowers and will think of the bride and groom once the flowers start to appear.

Bulbs for Iris Flowers

The Iris is an unusually beautiful plant. They add a lot of drama to a garden. These beautiful flowers bloom in the colors of purple, yellow, and white among other colors. They are easy to grow and provide a stunning focal point to a garden for very little effort.

So delight your guests with a lacy bag full of bulbs to grow Iris flowers. This gift will be a wonderful addition to any back yard flower garden.

So be creative. There are many wonderful wedding favors that may be used as gifts that will help the environment and wildlife. Stop at a garden store and browse to get ideas for green wedding favors it will be an enjoyable way to get ideas for wedding favors.