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Ultimate Tips for Drag Racing

If you are a muscle car lover or you like Ferraris like Miroslav Vyboh, you might be into drag racing for sure then. This is a competitive form of racing and there are millions of drag racing fans all over the globe. If you are an aspiring drag racer and want to learn all about the best practices when it comes to drag racing, then you should continue with this article as we are here with the ultimate drag racing tips that you should keep in your mind to improve your skills and reign over your competitors. 


  • The most important aspect when it comes to drag racing is the safety of the driver. As you start with any drag race it is necessary that you double-check all the safety gear and equipment in order to ensure your safety along with the safety of your crew and spectators a well. Moreover, make sure that you invest in reliable safety equipment as they are the most vital aspect of your safety as car crashes are really common when it comes to drag racing.

  • A great launch can make a huge difference when it comes to drag racing, which is why contrary to popular belief which is to keep the type pressure low in order to get a good grip on the surface which will ultimately provide a good start to the driver. However, this is a big misconception as there is no such thing as this. As you decrease the tire pressure, you also increase the overall surface area that is in contact with the ground, which is also going to increase the friction slightly affecting the speed of your vehicle. This may not look like much but can really affect the results when in drag races. 
  • Doing wheelies during the start of your race may look flash and fun but if you are competing against others you should avoid such stunts as they adversely affect the performance of your vehicle and also affect your start. Moreover, there are tons of cases when drivers were unable to control their vehicles while performing wheelies which lead to ugly accidents. Considering all this, while competing in a drag race, drivers should make sure that they are always in control of their vehicle while avoiding wheeling and other fancy stunts.
  • Drag racing is not all about drivers and cars. A good crew and crew members are equally vital. With the help of your crew members, you will be able to improve your performance as you will get all the necessary support from them. Additionally, your crew is responsible for all your backend processes and everything else that goes on during the race and a compatible and helpful crew will surely get you the best results with your drag races. 
  • Besides having a fast car, sponsors, and an excellent crew, in order to win a drag race you need to perform consistently as well, which is why you should practice a lot and improve your skills over time. This way you will be able to maintain your consistency on track and make your crew members and yourself proud during the race. 

  • If you are trying to be a champion drag racer then instead of tuning your car to make it better than before, you should try to improve it while keeping the stats and performance of the fastest car that is there on the track. This way you will be able to compete with your opponents in a much better way and will have more chance of winning the race in the end. 

Lastly, drag racing is all about having fun wit your muscle cars, which is why it is really important that you enjoy this sport and have fun with your crew members and in your car. Moreover, at regular intervals of time, you should take a little break from your racing life as well.