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Monthly Archives: November 2020

Social Media And Purchasing Decisions

If you’re like most people, you probably check up on your Twitter feed while waiting for the bus and catch your peers’ Facebook updates over morning coffee. Social media platforms give you the option to connect with friends, family, coworkers and even strangers anytime you want. As you browse your preferred social network, chances are you’ll see people posting images or reviews of things they’ve bought. Repeated exposure to these purchases whenever you go online has the potential to affect your purchasing decisions.

Consumer behavior and purchasing

In years past, if you wanted to buy something like a treadmill for at-home workouts or a television for your guest room, you went to a brick-and-mortar store to see what they were selling, what was on sale and what you could afford. If you wanted to know how a product worked, you asked the salesclerk for her recommendation and used her input to form your decision. In the web 2.0 era, you’re more likely to research top products on websites like, price things out and read product reviews from the comfort of home or work before ever setting foot in a store. cheap instagram followers is what all the orgainzations are looking for. They can get more and more audience in very cost and they will also increase the reach of the product being sold. You might see a Facebook or Twitter photo of your friend’s new throw pillows and hop over to the company website to see what other colors they come in, possibly resulting in an order that takes place solely via the Internet. This process of researching your options online and deciding what you want to buy without visiting a store is what Google refers to as the zero moment of truth.

Influencing factors

When you see something on a social media site, it’s because someone else has thought the item was cool enough to share, blessing it with a sort of cache. Just like fashion magazines style their photo shoots to sell clothes and images, the socially shared objects become cool in their new context. You might have liked a dress if you saw it on the rack in a store, but it definitely catches your eye when shared socially. This is the influence factor. The trust factor goes along with influence and refers to the sharing part of the social media. If a friend shares something, such as pictures of their new home gym set-up, their purchases are vetted for you, resulting in the likelihood that you trust the product or service is good. If you’ve got cash to spare, you may purchase something like a book, DVD or piece of clothing without evaluating how much you want or need the product. Vetting can give you peace of mind you’re making a good decision, but can provide false security if you’re whipping out your credit card without a second thought.

To make an informed decision, consider combining impulsive social media shares with third-party or blog reviews to get a more accurate picture of the usefulness, quality and appeal of an

item before purchasing, especially if it’s a big purchase. Social media has the potential to affect both impulse buying and carefully considered purchases, so draw on its power wisely to buy items you’ll actually use and to stay within your budget.

How to Relax at Home

Breathing Exercises

One of the best ways to relax at home is through breathing exercises. It is considered as the simplest relaxation strategy that has the power to clam your stress effectively. To do this, you just have to sit down in a peaceful place free from any noise and distraction. It could be on the floor or bed in your house. Next, put your hand on your belly and in a slow count, breath in and then breath out. When doing this, you must feel your belly fall and rise. This will help you feel relax and stress free.

Physical exercises

When we are stressed, we don’t usually realize that it is not only our mind that suffers but our body as well. So it is also important that we find some activities that can help our release physical tension. As a matter of fact, there are several things that you can do to release physical tension. One of those is through yoga. Yoga ahs been proven to be effective in relieving stress and even body pain. So all you have to do is lay on a soft surface such as a yoga mat, carpet or bed and tense up one part of your body at a time.

Reading and Writing

Did you know that by simply writing down your thoughts, you can free your mind from any stress and anxiety? You can get things off your mind by writing them down so you can feel more relaxed and stress free. It doesn’t matter whether you are a good writer or not. As long as you write down all of your thoughts, whether it is negative or positive, you can slowly take them off your mind and you will feel less anxious about things.

Listen to Music

Listening to music is another way to relax and relieve stress. This is more effective if you are fond of listening to soothing music. You can lay down on your bed while listening to music and think of a happy and relaxing thought. To add more relaxation and peaceful ambience in your bedroom, you may also want to consider using soft blanket and pillows so your body will feel more relaxed and at ease. You can check some of the best relaxing blanket at This will help you to relax and find your stillness even more.

Connect to the nature

Last but not the least, connecting to the nature can also certainly help you relax and have a peace of mind. Studies show that nature has the ability to calm people’s mind. So instead of spending your time browsing and surfing the internet, why not go outside for a short walk so you can feel the nature around you. You can visit a part for a fresh air. You can also opt to just sit in a park or any place where you can feel the nature. In this way, you can surely ease your mind and relax.