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Korean Fashion- Latest Trend For The Millennial Generation

While some people are pretty much occupied with their lives, there are others that want to enjoy every bit of it as they feel that life is mortal where you don’t know what the future has in store for you, which is why it is better to live the thousand moments at the earliest.

Times change and so does the fashion statement because while everyone needs clothes to cover their body, the style varies from country to country and because most of them are so diverse in nature, the clothes too follow a similar pattern in every state and province.

Today we are going to talk about traditional Korean clothing because it has been observed that both Koreas (especially South) has been in the limelight for quite some time for both right and wrong reasons  but its dresses are quite popular among the youngsters everywhere.

Brief Description

Even during such perilous times when the corona virus pandemic is at its peak, it has not doused the spirits of youngsters as they are just as preoccupied with buying their favorite items through online shopping as they can’t help it especially Korean dresses like overcoat, pajama, shoes and other items.

There has been a sudden upsurge in Korean culture since the past few years ever since the country was divided into North and South Korea in 1945 where the former fell to the communist Chinese and have become a dictatorial nation while the latter has flourished ever since then.

Apart from Korean films, their outfits have been adapted as a fashion statement in many countries like Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, eastern Russia and other Asiatic nations but the problem is that many people in South Asia are not too familiar with the clothing worn there.

Therefore, we shall focus on some important Korean dresses that one needs to have in their closet because it is such an excellent finding that one cannot resist in having it as the Japanese would tell you.

Worthwhile Additions

We’ll start with the obvious ones like jeans that are torn and ripped on the knees because this is so fashionable that even girls have at least a dozen of them in their closet with black and blue colored ones being the most popular ones that you can wear both at home and while hanging out with friends.

A worthwhile addition for the ladies would be the traditional dress over the blouse that would be perfect for them during summers as they aren’t very comfortable with exposing their chest as much as the western world does, which is good in a way it shows that they still maintain certain traditions unlike other countries that wear full blown western clothes.

School kids too enjoy wearing different clothes as they find it to be something that they can show off to their friends with skirts going well on the girls with a shirt that can be buttoned from top to bottom.

Oversized Pull over is another one that girls enjoy to wear as they find it extremely comfortable despite the size and that holds true for all Korean dresses as well.

Chanel Bags- Benchmark For Designer Material

There is an endless array of wishes and desires in human beings as they think too much of themselves and are under the impression that they are the ones that call the shots on this planet.

It is engraved in the human psyche that they are the frontrunners for everything and it is none more evident than in the behavior of the rich and elite class, who use their power and influence to take the object of their desire by force and coercion if they are not able to get it in a straightforward manner.

However, we will limit the discussion to a desirous object that does not require bloodshed to get but can simply be purchased from a shop in your vicinity and which are easily available all over the world.

Worthy Item

Today our topic of discussion would be Chanel designer handbags, which can be called every woman’s weakness and you can find hardly any woman in existence that knows about this brand and does not desire to possess it.

While there is an underlying fact that most of the handbags these days are of poor quality, that does not stop the shopping hungry women to try their hand out at the newest designer model in the market whether it is jewelry, cosmetics or makeup kit and are always on the lookout for change of taste.

Chanel brand has a long history to its name and it cannot be summed up in one article alone so for now we shall simply scratch the surface of the entire spectrum but where you can learn more about the brand as a whole.

The brand was launched in 1909 by renowned stage actress Gabrielle Chanel and its beginnings were not as smooth as was thought about owing to many challenges and obstacles brought out by fate and nature.

The handbags are indeed a worthy item as they are relatable enough to be used in the everyday life of women. It is a well known fact that all women have high regard for their handbags and take care of them as though it were a part of their body.

You cannot go out for a walk and not run into a woman with a handbag dangling around her shoulders but how many of them are able to afford Chanel? To be honest, they are not as expensive as they seem as long as you have good bargaining skills with the shopkeeper.

Beware of Copies

The setback for open market came crashing into the lives of daily wage workers in the form of the First World War that began in 1914 and quickly took the world by storm as a result of which many businesses were forced to shut down.

The world economy was in free fall due to the millions spent on the war even though the great depression was a few decades away and Chanel brand suffered greatly due to this and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

When the war ended five years later, Gabrielle decided to start all over again and gathered all her hopes and confidence and took the plunge. This time the business was quite successful with most of the products being popular and none more so than handbags due to them being made from leather, the preferred material for one and all due to it being so flexible and durable at the same time.

Whenever there is a success story like this, you can be assured that the rivals won’t like it at all and do all in their power to sabotage it and it was soon seen when they started selling Chanel replica bags using their brand name and logo which was initially successful that made it to the front page of newspapers that made it a fantastic read.

However, bad things don’t last long and it was the same with these copycats as the originals owners soon threatened them with legal consequences should they continue with this practice and it was enough for them to stop their mischief.

Chanel handbags are truly a benchmark for designer material in the 20th century just like Louis Vuitton prior to that and has set an example for future brands to match up to its level of success and surely there will be a worthy competitor in the near future.