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Category Archives: Health and Fitness

Weight Loss Theory- Understanding the Concept

What is the one thing that virtually pisses off anybody most specially from the younger generation? It is a good looking face but a protruding paunch that becomes a spoilsport in the whole run, which is why it needs to be sorted out.

Nobody likes to have a bulging stomach with flab protruding out of both corners, which is why the youth brigade is smart when it comes to taking care of their health as they are constantly found in the gym sweating it out so that they don’t end up looking 50 by the time they reach 30, which by the way was the case with the pre millennial folks.

Still, the best laid plans of mice and men go awry so even though some people are totally dedicated to shed those extra kilos, certain issues like hereditary diseases prevent them from getting rid of it and a good example is a well known Hollywood star that has had a checkered career in films due to this problem.

Demolishing the Myth

There are many theories circulating around fat people that they can never lose weight but it is only true to a certain extent as it has been found that people that were ridiculously fat have become slim trim with utmost hard work and dedication.

It is true that losing weight is no child’s play but if you are truly determined to achieve your goal then nothing can stop you from doing so and this hard boiled task would seem very easy at the outset.

The popular myth is that you just have to lift some weights and do cardio exercises like running on the treadmill and cycling on a regular basis after which you would become slim again, which is not true as what matters is that you need to adhere to a strict diet to achieve results.

The problem with fat people is that they want to achieve everything in one day due to which they start out on a rough patch with breakneck speed on the treadmill that only complicates matters further and so is a practice that needs to be avoided.

One has to completely forgo junk food and fried items as they are basically slow poison that would eventually take a toll on the body, which in any case is completely riddled with ailments inherited from long gone forefathers that were quite content with gorging in on delicacies as a result of which their descendants are paying the price.

Supplements to the Rescue

If you are a regular at the gym, there’s no need to remind you about the various weight loss supplements that can do the job easily where you can consume it while exercising through which the results would show up sooner than later and most people do follow this golden rule.

Let us now look at some of them based on resurge supplement customer reviews so that people that are ignorant would know what to look for shedding the flab around their stomach.

  • Sinew Nutrition Natural

As the name suggests, it is completely natural with no added preservatives unlike other so called supplements that cause harmful side effects due to having everything that they shouldn’t but Sinew Nutrition is extremely popular in India and other Asian countries

  • Health Keto

It is basically a capsule in powdered format that gives you strength and vitality to go through the day’s training where you have to sip it half an hour prior to the exercise and one thing that is unique about it is that it is completely soy free

  • Muscle Hydroxycut

It is green and black coffee that comes in different flavors that can be savored both pre and post workout with excellent results

How To Cure A Muscle Strain

A muscle strain occurs when your muscles are overstretched or pulled. Due to the overstretching of the muscles, there is some damage to the muscle or a tendon which causes a lot of pain and it can also be incapacitating.

However, the good thing is that muscle strains can be cured completely and that too without having to resort to drugs. If you ever face this condition due to your lifestyle then there are things that you can do to heal your muscles, like using the best supplement is testogen, that will naturally boost your body’s healing abilities. 

Treatment for a muscle strain

Take adequate rest

This is the simplest way of healing your pulled muscles. It is not implied that you should be in bed all the time but you must not use the injured part for a couple of days. When your muscles are pulled or torn the slightest strain on that muscles can make the condition worse, which is why you have to refrain from doing anything that can aggravate the pain.

Ice compression

In order to alleviate the pain, you are feeling you have to apply ice on the affected area. Applying ice for 15-20 minutes will make the nerves in that area numb and thereby give you a reprieve from the pain.

The correct procedure of ice compression is to keep ice cubes in a towel and then apply it to the injured region. This should be done 4-5 times a day to see the desired result. One thing that you need to remember while applying ice is to keep the injured part elevated so as to prevent further swelling.

Heat compression

According to health care specialists, the most effective way of treating a strained muscle is using heat compression along with ice compression. Heat compression and ice compression has to be done alternatively. Use a heating pad or a warm water bag as they will help in loosening the muscles. However, heat should be applied after 24 hours of the injury.

Keep the injured area elevated

It is suggested that you keep the injured region of your body at an elevated level for as much time as possible.

It is suggested by all doctors for reducing the swelling and minimizing the pain. The best thing would be to see a therapist who will be able to suggest the correct position for the injured part.

Gentle exercising

Once the pain has subsided to a great extent you should start doing gentle exercises so as to strengthen the injured muscles. Once again you should do this only under the supervision of your therapist. It will not help you if you do not use the injured muscle for a long time. Initially, you should begin with gentle stretching so that you do not overexert the weak muscles.

All the above tips will ensure faster healing but in case, you find that the pain is not subsiding as it should after a day or two you should not shy away from seeking proper medical help. At times drugs and medications are important to heal your body completely. Any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Bench Pressing For Beginners 7 Steps For Success

I benched pressed for the first time when I was thirteen years old. I was taught, or should I say “trained”…a more popular word when referring to the weight lifting sports, by a master…I was fortunate. My trainer’s name was Roger Richards. He was a powerlifter from the Northeast in the ’70s and won or placed in more than a few state and regional contests until he suffered a back injury. After the injury that rendered him uncompetitive on the deadlift, his passion for ripping muscle down to rebuild it stronger was undiminished. 

No, Roger was determined to continue throwing the weights around, but the goal would be slightly changed. Now the focus would still be on ripping up muscle, but this would be a means to a different end. Now when the tissue was rebuilt, although increased muscle strength and endurance would still be a result of his workouts, he was shooting for increased mass and definition. Roger was going to compete in bodybuilding.

He trained hard to compete in this sport at a time when steroids were just coming onto the scene while regulations against them had not yet arrived. In an environment that by no means could be considered a level playing field, Roger was competitive without the unfair advantage of steroids that his competition relied on. 

He took fifth in his class in the state competition, and I was proud of my coach! I was also grateful. Because my coach hung on to his love for powerlifting, in the spirit of “those who can’t do, teach” he made me his protégé and introduced me to the sport. By the time I was fourteen years old, and at only 105 pounds, I took first place in the New England Championship for my weight class with a 145 lb. bench, a 185 lb. squat and a 305 lb. deadlift, and my coach was proud of me!

I remember well our first workout. It was all about the bench press. I remember even more vividly the day after when I called Roger and asked him, “am I supposed to be this sore”? Without getting into any detailed explanation about muscle cells working so hard that they require more oxygen than the blood can supply therefore causing fermentation that produces lactic acid that causes a kid who has just really pushed himself at his first workout to have an entire upper body that feels like one, big, bruise, he just laughed and said: “yes, get used to it, that means you did a good job yesterday”. 

Well, he did a good job too. He taught me the finer points of this particular exercise, quintessential in the workouts of the bodybuilder and the powerlifter or anyone else with the goal of increased upper body strength, mass, and endurance. He also shared with me, what’s the best protein shake which really helped me with my diet plan in the long run.

Plano & Arlington Family Dentistry

At Premier Family Dentistry, we offer dentistry for the entire family- regardless of the age of the patient. Our team is experienced and excels in caring for patients as young as toddlers as well as adult patients. That’s why the majority of our patients are entire families who need care for a variety of ages and dental needs.

At Premier Family Dentistry, we believe that the dental care and treatment that an adult needs is vastly different from that of a child. We treat children differently and according to their needs at our office- from the chairside manner we give, to the dental services we provide.

Our staff is trained to provide fun, relaxing and comforting dental services for our younger patients. We know that children can be anxious and may have a fear of the dental office. That’s why our staff members work hard to make them feel at ease when they visit us. We also do not push for services that may not be needed, including X-rays. Unnecessary dental treatment for children can increase the time they must be in the chair, the cost of the visit and the child’s anxiety. It can also be unsafe for them to undergo X-rays or treatment that is not needed. Trust our team to provide only the necessary work that will keep your child’s mouth in optimal health.

We are also committed to providing oral health education to parents. The following are several tips for patients in order to keep your child’s smile healthy between visits.

  • Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once (always brush before bed)
  • Decrease the amount of sugary drinks and snacks your child eats
  • Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day
  • Monitor your child’s brushing habits to make sure that they brush for at least 2 minutes and that they are not brushing too hard or too light.
  • Make regular visits to the dentist- every 6 months is the recommended time for all children patients. And lastly, it is also advisable to use effective and trusted teeth care solutions such as Steel Bite Pro reviews. This will make your teeth healthier and free from infections due to bacteria. 

Our team is qualified and skilled at providing dentistry for adults as well as children. Whether you are a young adult or a senior citizen, we provide customized dental treatment that focuses on prevention of oral diseases. If you come to us in need of treatment for oral disease or damage done to your mouth, we provide restorative and cosmetic dentistry to repair your smile and even improve the look of your teeth and mouth.

  • General Checkups/Cleanings–

We recommend scheduling your dental appointment with us every 6 months. This ensures that your smile stays in tip-top shape. During each dental check-up, our hygienists will provide a thorough cleaning that will remove any plaque/tarter buildup and will examine your oral structures for any signs of disease or other dental problems.

  • Sealants–

Sealants are more common for our younger patients but can be very effective for adults as well. This procedure entails placing a thin piece of plastic over the chewing surface of back molars. This plastic, protective covering prevents against cavities and keeps your smile healthy and decay-free.

  • Fluoride–

Our fluoride treatment is important for patients of all ages. Fluoride strengthens the enamel of your teeth and this helps to prevent against cavities.

No matter your age or dental needs, you can trust our staff at Premier Family Dentistry to work with you one-on-one to provide the services you truly need. You and your family’s smile and health is our number one concern. For more information on the general dentistry that we provide, visit out office or call us today. Our two locations, in Plano and in Arlington, means convenience and local service. To schedule your appointment today, click here. We look forward to seeing you and your family.

Lose Weight Using A Safe Weight Loss Drug

Are you trying to lose weight but have not been successful. If you are searching for an additional method to help in your weight loss efforts, you should consider the revolutionary drug, Xenical. Xenical works in a very unique way to help you lose weight safely and effectively.

Losing weight without additional assistance can be a difficult and discouraging endeavor. Finding an effective and safe weight loss drug can give you the extra help you need. Xenical has been proven to promote significant weight loss. The use of the right drug is effective with the intake of the appetite suppressant supplement. The purchasing of the supplements is done with checking the ratings and rankings. The loss in the weight is effective for offering a beautiful and impressive body shape. 

Xenical is a weight loss prescription drug that contains an ingredient called orlistat. Its primary function is to block one-third of your dietary fats and prevent them from being digested. In simpler terms, it reduces the fat that your body absorbs from the food that you eat.


Most, if not all, other prescription weight loss drugs affect the brain and nervous system but Xenical works only in the digestive tract. Because other drugs affect the brain, affecting the appetite, there is no risk of developing dangerous side effects.

Xenical does not enter the blood stream, does not affect the brain, and does not reduce appetite. Therefore, it is non-addictive. It simply blocks digestion of fats, making it far safer than any other weight loss drug.

The biggest benefit of using Xenical is that it not only promotes significant weight loss, but it also prevents weight from begin re-gained. Additional benefits of using Xenical are: it reduces the risk for type II diabetes; it reduces the levels of triglycerides, and can significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure


If you are obese or severely overweight and are at high risk for medical conditions related to weight such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, you should consult your doctor to see if you can take Xenical. Xenical can be obtained by prescription only.

The only side effects of Xenical are gastrointestinal in nature, due to the action of the orlistat in the digestive tract. You may experience increased frequency in bowel movements, oily stool, and/or flatulence.


If you are interested in Xenical you might consider purchasing it online. There are certain prescription medicines and drugs you can purchase online at a reduced price. Purchasing discount medicine online not only saves money, it eliminates the need for a trip to the drugstore and you can have your medications delivered right to your door within 24 hours of ordering.

Prescription drugs and many non-prescription items that can be found at a regular drugstore can be purchased at online drugstores. You can also find vitamins, herbal medications, skin care products, and an array of other health and beauty products